Our Mission Statement
We develop artists and use the arts to bring people together, understand each other better, and show that our commonalities are greater than our differences.
We are a 501c3 non-profit corporation, founded in 2007, dedicated to building an arts community, educating and enriching our community, and all the areas we touch. Lake Arrowhead Repertory Theatre Company's main offices are located in Lake Arrowhead, California.
We believe that theatre is to be more than just a venue for entertainment. So, we are committed to raising awareness of how much we all have in common as people, through theatre and cinema arts.
Our teach classes focused on our company members and our community show how to have their artistic voice heard, by producing works that are important to them. We help them bring these pieces to life on stage and on film.
We are involved in community issues and organizations, such as:
LARTC has helped create the READ PROGRAM, a literacy program at Valley of Enchantment Elementary School and does a continuing literacy program at the Blue Jay Library.
LARTC has partnered with Youth Hope which helps get homeless youth off of drugs and back working into society.
LARTC is also partnered with Mary Putnam Henck Middle School to create an Anti-Bullying program for its students. It was such a huge success that we hope to take this program statewide.
LARTC has directed the plays and musicals for Rim of the World High School from 2009-2013.
LARTC created ‘THE TROUPE” - A young-actor performance group, where students studied acting, scenic arts, music and writing, and performing original works for the public.
LARTC established Children’s Choir, which trained young actors in classical singing techniques and performed for the community.
LARTC produced over 50 plays in our mountain community. Including a series of plays performed by our young actor for the youth of the community.
LARTC launched a classic movie series for the community.
LARTC has produced several art exhibits from local artists.
LARTC offered weekly acting classes to adults and seniors free of charge.
LARTC held original playwriting series to exhibit the work of local playwrights.
LARTC also annually produced Voices of the American Revolution, a staged reading of the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and letters from soldiers of the American Revolutionary War.
LARTC annually produced local Talent Nights to give our community a chance to develop and express their unique talents.
We have also worked in many ways with the Mountain Rotary's Inland Regional Center, Career Institute and the Boys & Girls Club.
LARTC has also worked in many ways with the Mountain Rotary's Inland Regional Center, Career Institute and the Boys & Girls Club.
From 2007 to 2014. LARTC taught classes for children and adults, helped establish literacy programs, contributed to the anti-bullying programs throughout the Rim School District, as well as producing over 50 plays.
Now LARTC has expanded into Los Angeles. We continue to serve the San Bernardino community. Our members and students include many students from Lake Arrowhead, Crestline, Riverside and the Inland Empire in general. We are planning productions in Los Angeles and in the Lake Arrowhead area in 2019, as well as our first animated short film and our feature-length live-action film.
Since we began in 2007, LARTC has produced over 50 plays in the San Bernardino mountain communities of Lake Arrowhead, Running Springs and Crestline.
Since 2016 LARTC has expanded its scope and produced 10 plays in the Los Angeles area. Six plays with highly successful runs in the Hollywood Fringe Festival, all of which won Producer’s Awards, and one was Buzzfeed’s pick for #2 in the festival.
LARTC is continuing to produce plays, and it’s becoming a film production and development company.
We have started by producing 27 short films in the last year. Most of those films are now being submitted to film festivals again raising awareness of LARTC mission and Lake Arrowhead in general.
By producing plays (and now teaching affordable acting and producing classes) in L.A. our hope continues to be to attract the proper amount of money and interest artists who would want to come to Lake Arrowhead and make it a creative escape.
About the People Involved
Chuck Marra
Mr. Marra is an alumni of NYU's Tisch School of the Arts where he studied acting with Lee Strasberg and Barbara Covington. He worked at Playwrights Horizons in New York City, under Robert Moss. In 1987 Mr. Marra moved out to Los Angeles. There, professionally as an actor, Mr. Marra has been a series regular on the ABC/AMBLIN series "Fudge" and has appeared in numerous television shows, feature films, commercials and plays. He has been working with Megan Foley Marra teaching and casting films, commercials and television for over 30 years. He is a well loved coach for actors all over the world.
​Mrs. Marra has been in the entertainment field all of her life as an actress, dancer, director, producer and casting director. Mrs. Marra owns Foley Marra Casting with her husband Chuck Marra, and has been casting commercials, film, television and theatre in Los Angeles since 1987, having cast over 3700 commercials.
She is an acting coach and mentor for actors all over the world.
Megan Marra