The Lake Arrowhead Repertory Theatre Company offers a variety of courses in the areas of acting, tech, music and dance. If you are interested in classes for your children or interested in private one on one courses with professional instructor please contact us to set up a meeting at the theatre or by phone. You can also call and leave a message at 909-336-2800
The Troup

A youth performance group. Students will receive a script and have the chance to audition for a part. Every student receives a part and is also involved in the production of the show. They will learn about set design, costuming, and props then apply the knowledge to the show. This semester The Troupe meets three days each week, in order to provide voice training. All Troupe students will learn how to:
- Read Music
- Safely Vocalize
- Focus their Minds
- Memorize a Script
- Perform for an Audience
- Audition
- Write a Script
- Work Backstage
- Set up a Shot List for Film
- And so much more!
They will also learn the theory behind the more technical side of theatre, like:
- Focusing Lights
- Running Lights
- Setting up sound equipment
- Running Sound
- Stage Managing
- Costume Design
Each Semester will end with a performance The Troupe meets Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 4pm to 6pm. $125/month
Private Acting Coaching

Private coaching with industry professionals in acting and auditioning is available from Chuck Marra and Megan Foley Marra. For scheduling, rates and questions please click the link below.
Technical Theatre

Technical theatre is a very important aspect of a performance, if the lights don't hit just right the actors are dark, if the sound cue of a phone ringing doesn't happen the actor won't have any way to move forward.
If your child enjoys technical theatre and would like to learn more, we can offer a more focused class on the backstage world of theatre. Because back stage is much more specific we will not accept more than 5 students in one class, if there is an overwhelming amount of students applying we will do multiple classes. For scheduling, rates and questions please click the link below.